Our staff members have independently raised money for numerous charities such as Cancer Research and Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia.
We believe giving to charities and particularly locally, can be a powerful way to invest in the people and places that make up our everyday lives.
This year we held a community fundraising event to bring awareness to and raise money for War Child. This great charity is the only specialist charity for children affected by conflict. They are driven by a single goal – ensuring a safe future for every child living through war.
The past 3 years we raise money for Richard House Children’s Hospice which is also based in East London. They provide palliative care to children with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions across London.
You do not need to be a nursery attendee to help support our charities. Please stay in touch by following our social media or by requesting to receive our newsletter to keep in the loop with our fundraising events.
A Big Thank you to all our families and local businesses who continue to support us in our fundraising community events. Many of our parents and grandparents have giving up their time to help organise and participate at our events. We also have great partnership working with many large and small local businesses who’ve donated vouchers, restaurant meals, holiday trips and jewellery.